The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER SUNDAY JULY 30 1961 Cloverleaf Steps Up Action iedler Is 4fh etl 1 1he aazr win Inter Lake Regatta to Set New Record and New Law Affects Race Results at Leading Tracks irry Star migration 360 360 270 a io Returnable in this 5 hi gate 2:31 oft In gate 2:59 off Morgan Line Stands Out at Horse Show Conies $400 $640 gate 3:56 off 4:23 Odds 7 jr $640 $120 $700 46fc Regularly priced al $1680 per case Easy Pre measured 580 I Quart CLASS a ror 2 6:10 In gate OR 260 $4 nrv $voo THE MASTERPIECE in OILS 670 1060 1 13 10 4 60 1020 1480480 260 i440 400 GUI OU I out 7 1 8 8 9 7 6 4 3 520 810 midseason will be 35 on lhe big 08 15 OS IM 260 330 2 R0 520 6 40 520 in Dragon Sail Race in Canada 3 2 jockey mm Gallimore Karlin Unreal Northcutt a lira I lanks Gonzalez 489 300 320 2 3 8 I 6 7 5 4 R0 1240 eenrd Admiral 420 760 4 60 Mr won driving Ch off at 4:23 Sandusky Speedway has st purse tonight for its mitl svrfson championship which will bo decided in a 30 lap feature There will also be a 20 lap semi fcature 280 260 360 (aiGlg 330 4 50 310 Jack 240 2 60 760 640 Church Bunny ARCARA 26 fool steel utility cruiser has been delivered to Ray Bruggeman of Edgewater Yacht Club by the Douglass Scott Devel opment Co of Cleveland ns builder A 150 hp engine drives the boat at a top speed of 30 mph according to its builder 3 40 4 00 460 $2 $660 $400 $280 $560 DAILY (4 and 8) paid $3110 2 2 6 30 770 680 770 re In not the Screw Top Cans i 120 1 1 1 108 120 5 ll fi 3 NICK Verrone nx Monte Ca Walter YC 5 CJ a cham cards for ncxl riday and Sun day Convertibles and hanltos will share a ten race card will) a dash pursuit two heats and a feature in each division Mid season champ Roy Gcmbcriing tops the lineup of the former division 2320 Hernandez (aiGIbby 580 540 a on Lisa's 2 CYCLE OUTBOARD MOTOR OIL SALE sail yacht measurer Clyde Jones Cleveland acting measurer Wil liam Carrico Detroit powerboat measurer rank IL Miller Put in Bay registrar Commodore Cal vert Canfield Wakeman and red Preston Detroit assistant registrars and Clavton Bachtel Cleveland staff artist Erie Pa Carsten 350 320 400 everywhere freedom economic 820 A nn 'air Ma nt Ip rrtL i neaver aea zsang Mil wick By JOHN LAIMO continuation of the keen competition evi dent in last week's model racing a major schedule re vision and the third lime around for the United States Auto Club midget autos all conceyiiuClOverleaf Speed fandom Mike Klapak of Warren will find the same fender bending pilots and their 1951 1959 ma chines ready to give him bat tle as he seeks a second mam event victory Don Arnold Mentor and Bob Ashbrook Akron will be giv ing him added competition as they return to their 1957 Chev rolet racers oilier enlrmits tonight are Wimpy May Bob James Nook Walters Jim Bickcrstal I' and Summit county chauffeurs ken Lowe Ken Brjjaniir Jfnrrv Kepler Chuck Morris Hugh Cole John Merchant and Ross Coates Odds 1110 260 800 370 2770 360 630 15 in 1170 1 1 1 120 1 Boat Equipment Arc you buying new equip ment for your boat? A new Ohio law effects next Marcii requires that all safe ty equipment aboard craft used in the state must com ply with standards estab lished by the US Coast Guard The law' applies to all inland waters of the state as well as Lake Erie and the Ohio River The rule is a good one Ohio yachtsmen will find that their Coast Guard ap proved equipment will meet the legal requirements in ev cry state in which they may be cruising an entire community of hore carriers that nestled into the woodland about tlic vast ex ilic vans as full Othcrs to haul behind 280 34 0 260 3 to 420 460 ast in hd 2 2 2i i 4 2 6 kd 7 8 $280 at 2:59 Time new McCormack Place' There are six races in the title series? The Snipe nationals begirj Thursday at Terra Mar Yacht Basin Saybrook Conn United States Power District 11 is holding its annual rendezvous at Conneaut Boat Club riday and Satur day The host is Youngstown Power Squadron with District Commander Emery Ellis offi ciating Shore dinners nautical games and dancing are on the entertainment program Al Brown and Dr Clarence ShaD fer both of Youngstown are handling the arrangements Clyde Jones of Cleveland Yachting Club has been ap pointed acting measurer for the Inter Lake Yachting Associa tion Tom Garrett is a new trustee at Lakeside Yacht Club 310 een 500 War Bird 320 420 350 320 380 54 0 I 460 560 Bnmhpf 3 20 5 R0 3 20 fur Start pond in pate 3 00 510 620 George iedler aboard ViVi and Robert Hawkins with ix lax represented Mentor Har bor Yacht Club op Lake On tario in the Dragon class races tor the Dulles and Edinburgh trophies Walter Swindeman's Yankee Doodle flew the Toledo Yacht Club burgee in lhe series winch was held nt Royal Canadian Yacht Club Winner of the Dulles trophy vas Paul Phelan of RCYC at lhe helm of 'Mia with 1091 points Jim Craig of the samo club amassed 100 joints wit If Windkind for the rnnnerup spot Others in the top five hup 3 Tomahawk Arnold Massey RCYC 4 Yankee Doodle Commodore Swindeman Toledo Snap Dragon Jay Le tun NY Winner of the fog be burgh trophy series was waiter Wtndeyer and his Canadian en try' Tip former world Dragon class champ Other winners: 2 Yankee Doodle 3 Mia 4 ViVi George iedler Cleve land 5 Tomahawk 500 460 840 Spire 1 810 520 750 490 720 Kin? Croesus ni 5 84 0 320300 Las LOrd 3 003 00 260 6 fur Start trrwvl won rtrivtnff Wlnnor caruso 840420 Arm Lady's riect Heart Attack atal to Highway Official COLUMBUS O'(ZP) Paul Barckhoff 43 assistant director of the Ohio Highway Depart ment died yesterday of a heart attack He leaves his wife ifi two sons Marchand Paul and a daughter Evelyn Services will be at 2 pm Tuesday at (lie John Quint funeral home with burial in Union Cemetery 1:09: 260 Gurrln WL St Iir 8 9 7 3 4 1 5 7 6 3 'J 2 7 5 8 4 3 Wt 3 12 4 1 3 6 '115 5 113 2 6 2 7 7 5 3 3 2 8 S400 I of plfs REY cillespie 1(jP1L Kennedy's Committee on Equal Opportu nity in Employment Rep Ralph Rudd Lake and Cleve land Police Prosecutor Richaid Matia It was shown Saturday at 3:30 ji in I was somewhat surprised that all participants on this program were white Il long been my contention that in any public discussion of the race problem the joint of view must be considered I was also disappointed be cause they did not follow through on 1he subject They discussed problems of law en forcement fair employment slum housing and race prejudice in changing neighborhoods It is not my purpose here to criticize this program I do want to share with you my views on this question: Who pays for hate? Tile price? of hate goes much deeper than the costs in taxes for slum clearance public lief and law enforcement eidentally these costs are racial but are a part of over all problems that grow' out of unemployment poor education and Hie environ mental factors that breed crime and low moral standards We are well aware that to day's world is full of hate fear sin and suffering After two major wars for democracy and a strange military adventure in Korea our government is com mitted 1o defend 1lie freedom of the people in West Berlin If all out war should come it wouldbe the most horrible in history Wars are a part of the price we pay for hate One example of this is the hate that the peo ple of Africa have had for their oppressors Now the cry rings out for justice equality and opportunity Racial segregation country has been a public sym bol of hate Thde effort Io de stroy Ibis symbol in lhe South still meets with strong resis tance In Mississippi we have a classic example of a state in open defiance of the United States Supreme Court decision in regard on to the desegrega tion of the public schools Unhappy Effects of Boycott In Ala where the bus boycott made news race hate is at an all time high I LYA 50 YEARS AGO: Alexander Winton motor car magnate and diesel engine pio neer and commodore of Lake wood Yacht Club was elected commodore Handling the en tertainment was George Bierce of Cleveland while Al bert Gowen ran powerboat races and George If Gardner the sailboat contests The flag ship was huge steam yacht La Belie Highlight of the regatta was the commo ball at Rut in Bay's Colonial Pavilion Among the shore games were a pipe race sack race tug of war between sailors and pow erboatmen ladies' nail driving contest and pennant race 440 650 Boy Hatch 3 R0 610 Tudor Link 590 810 i Shift Hardtop Action In a move toward its schedule the speedway will end the Wednesday mid week series for hardtups but will put the division to work in a double action billing witli su per modifieds on riday night This is a procedure wilh sev eral intentions in mind to ease pho super modified entry situ 'ation which was putting a strain the 20 to 25 weekly turnout tof competitors to fill an eight event program and also tocreate a program better suited for more racing fans 100 Lap Midget Race USAC midgeteers will Champ Defends in Harmsworth Canada will be repre sented in the Harmsworth trophy race at Picton Ont Saturday by Miss Supertest winner of the event in 1959 and 19(10 It is owned by James Thompson of Lon don Ont With the race this year limited to a single boat in stead of thj ee from each country the leading con tender to represent the Unit ed States is another Thom son Charles of Detroit Community Relations Hate Problem Bears on Our Way of Life By HEY GILLESPIE Charles Getz public rela tions director of KYW 'IV asked me to preview lie public service program The subject he told me was "Who Pays for Hate? 3 his piogram a moderated by' Pill Jorgensen and directed by Don Rumbaugh Gucsls on lhe panel were May or Wilson Sta pleton of Shaker Height John 340 320 660 4 40 300 600 380 360 Jill Caney tL HO 115 7 8 5 1 Vi 6 2 $920 Galley Gossip The North American pionships for the lying Dutch man class start Wednesday on JAGUAR CLEVELAND MOTORS 3020 Mayfield Rd Cleveland Heights YE 2 9460 driving Br off al fl 10 will be eligible for special team awards At stake will be I LYA championships in 32 sailing classes The first of the three churches join daily races for each class is set for Monday morning Aug 7 Starting time for the cruis ing A class first to get away each day is 7:15 am EST Other classes listed are Cruis ing and Catamaran Comet Crescent Sloop Dra gon lying Dutchman lying Scot lf 28 Highlander Inter collegiate Interlake Interna tional 21 Jet 11 Jolly Boat Lightning Luders 16 Ly man Cat Multi hull Nipper Polaris Raven Rebel Rhodes Bantam 22 a Meter Star Thistle Yankee and Universal Eastern Standard Time one hour earlier than Daylight Saving Time is official for the regatta and races will be sailed 5 :465 was won by Surprise Package owned and ridden by Penny Picha of Bodford Reserve in this category was Shad Rack ridden by Susie Weaver and owned by Dr Paul Weaver of Painesville in the evening program the jumper championship was captured by The ace a new horse owned and ridden by Annabelle Mercer Miss Mer cer a Kent State University student spent the spring quart er at the University of Mexico where she was trained in jump ing by the great riding cham pion Gen Humberto Marillos Reserve champion of lhe jumpers was Limestone ridden by' Bob Russell and owned by Slerling Smith of Ravenna It was Bob Russell who won lhe exciting puissance class that opened the evening program with another Sterling Smith horse That horse was Sham mock He was put over a com plicated series of jumps with great skill by Russell and drew great applause from the crowd 3G Complicated Obstacles Puissance is a class in hicli six' complicated obstacles are both high and wide spread and ending up with an obstacles are both high and wide spread and ending up with an obstacle called a Canadian Roll It looks somewhat like a small quonset hut 4 The television personality class was won by Lynn Shel don riding a western horse with western gear very ex' pertly He repealed his win of last year Some of the other contestants were in fancy cos tume The hrose show is a lienefit performance for lhe for Crippled Children Western l)h Lions Today Today tlic Western Divisions take to lhe rings There will be outstanding breed classes of Arabian and Appaloosa horses There also will be action classes as well as stock and pleasure classes' By mid day yesterday the beautiful grounds in the Metro politan Park were bordered by be (making their final 19G1 swing the Valley View track Sat Urday night with the feature Igoing lhe lOO lap route Ton lap 2 1000 cvvuNTiuisnon avr 3 Mr Mule unny Singer i a r14 6 3 1 80 wnn ridden out on at lime 280 260 Precious Metal Sailor and op under the latest North Ameri can Yacht Racing Union rules UYG Is Host Host club this year for ar rangements is the Cleveland Yacht Club home port of this reporter I 1961 com modore The entertainment side of the regatta opens Mon day evening with a reception for visiting yachtsmen and their ladies on the lakefront near Cottages A dinner for I LYA officers past com modores committee chairmen and their wives at the Put in Bay Hall follows The annual party is Tuesday afternoon Aug 8 Tuesday evening is with i i i craft decked in flags and colored lights Ashore a colorful pa rade gets under way at 7 pm with clubs firms and individ uals competing for prizes with decorated floats A professional variety show tops the festivi ties Will Award Trophies Weather permitting the re gatta will close Wednesday afternoon Aug 9 with the awarding of trophies Should sailoffs be necessary they will be held Thursday morning and 1he trophy presentation post poned until that afternoon Organized in 1884 through lhe efforts of Commodore George IV Gardner of Cleve land the Inter Lake has been "Lake Michigan off a leading tactor the growth of pleasure boating as a par ticipation sport Committee chairmen handling regatta de tails are: Commodore' Theodore Bar bier of Detroit advisorv Com modore Earl Seitz Sandusky by laws and nominating John Caidwell Cleveland sail yacht races 1 ester Hoffman Cleve land nubile relations: Clifford Dum Columbus deep water races Charles I Ilurlbut Cleveland junior sailing Vlrl Berrv Cleve land course patrol Paul Hoover Cleveland trophies Arthur Beedle Cleveland yearbook and program: James A Poulos Put in Bay shore courte sy Henry Schtiek Detroit en tertainment (Joe) Shover Detroit powerboat predicted log contest: Commodore Lee Bracken Port Clinton Wai of 1812 Sesqui centennial Wilbert SchwerSandusky admiralty: George IL Greenwood i Vermilion and Wil liam Krantz (Vermilion) inter sectional racing Commodore Daniel MacBride Akron sail yacht rules Neville oster Cleveland sail vacht juoges Jxenn smitn Detroit liaison: Donald Hctsner Vermilion communications Commodore A Wakefield Vermilion Hass racing advisory maritime coordinating and und James Heintz Jr Cleveland powerboat I Eben Gunnison TU Iivnrhn ti iiidrroe I i i i i vi Cleveland vearbook editorial Kay Lambert Port Clinton perpetual records and William Mastics uK vuaitu anucuuur duhin Officers of I LYA in addition to your scribe are Harry Mac farlane Detroit vice commodore George Llewellyn Lorain rear commodore Charles Hurlbut Cleveland fleet captain Hobart Heintz Cleveland honorary fleet captain John Caldwell Cleveland fleet lieutenant Dr Robert Richards Cleveland fleet surgeon: Kenneth Pelton Cleveland secretary treasurer Commodore Stanley Puddiford Detroit recording secretary Commodore Milton Gallup Cleveland curator of perpetual trophies Robert BolUn Toledo I eorimxl 1290 710 Count USQUE Mellon 10 uo CHARLEY EENEY Valenzuela Kuncn now Kea vines ivi tin ii i rim AL! WING HELIO DEB WHITECHAPEL Moyer nrra rrw i i WISE SHIP Gusfhws 1 140 harmonizing Bmussard GRECH EE LOU Gtbh Siih kl Hearer Wolfram Ashlar EIGHTH 6 fur 1:1145 MAIL BKEhU Snlnmone 1320 HOOP BOUND Broussard MISTY DAY Errlcn Hy Ndt Tubir Vident de Paul 1 13U t'AlKlClA Dhb Lenard ATH Brururer ROMAN COOKIE Lively Hour 5 h4 1 t4 78 2 4 bd 3 3 2 brf 8 $260: 1 A th Start rond won a iarum ur N0W A ONLY $L30 4 yr up: Solonau ay Bodice Horse Bodyguard Bob Austin Sir Putnam Sgt Cafeteria Erin Lad LUhtnine Star Mike Andy JohnsonSeason's Son Capt Montjoy $2 $1400 4 yr up cl rtuiHu iAjuiM rut Daily :4 6ts By LaRUE DANIELS The Chagrin Valley Trails and Riding Club presented a fine representative slice of equine Americana yesterday in the sec ond day of its three day show on tlie polo field on River Road near Chagrin alls The Morgan horse had his day in the valley as never be fore in the 12 year history of lhe chib Representatives' of the breed taking the ring here did high honor to the little bay New England horse Justin Morgan for whicli the breed was named The great progenitor of the breed must have had a superb mixture of all the things needed to produce a horse for almost any purpose Horses of 1he breed were shown as pleasure mounts driven in fine harness and shown in conformal ion classes They were scheduled to show in further activities demonstrat ing their wonderful versatility 5 igil March Chainpion In the confomtation phase the champion stallion was Vigil March ridden by George Ream and owned by the Reata Horse arm of Sharon Center Reserve to the champion was Deerfield Challenger ridden by Helen Zimmerman and owned by Milford ox Middlefield The champion mare was Cap's Starlet owned and ridden by Milford ox Reserve honors went to Lillibet ridden by George Huge and owned by Huge of Chagrin alls Before the day's program had readied the half way mark Kathy Mattie of Moreland Hills had piloted her smooth going Lamp to the working hunter championship This was one of many championships that Kathy has won with Lamp and other horses in Chagrin Valley shows Tlie reserve championship was taken by alse Alarm un der the horsemanship of Carol Wright of Shaker Heights who has swung into the winning habit in recent shows Surprise Package Trhmipha A little later in the program the green hunter hampionship 720 1 1 nn Kamal Bry nnrrntlr irzuir tApprrnUi i ilownc waived do 80 an SA20: 85 4n TOTAL ATENOANCE 8551 TOTAL HANDLE 5537306 SPINNING WHEELS: Cali fornian Parnelii Jones who broke world speed records for half mile liauks in averaging H121 12 mph in winning a sjrinl car race al Dalton (O) Sjiecd ay Last Simijay admitted was after lie pulled into victory lane He had a Chevro let engine of the same type used by many of Hie local super modified racers Super modified or sprint car drivers who like long races have one made to order for them in Louisville Ky Aug 16 when a 5C0 lap championship will be run off in five lOO lap segments A 1000 purse is ad vertised of which 1500 will go to lhe winner South Park Speedway in Pittsburgh which began the season with lhe supcr modifieds on Saturday night has switched to late models and hardtops Heidelberg Raceway in the sub urban Carnegie borough began lhe year the same way and is now running the supers late models and hardtops all on the Ihursday night upe modified championship route laps next Saturday third mile banked oval of Lo rain County Speedway Mike Klapak preliminaries will boost total racing to 150 laps Season's earlier century ners Tommy Co 'Millbrae Calif and Gene Hartley Indian apolis will lie among the re turnees and 'among otlu first signers are Bud Tinglcstadl Dayton who broke into the brickyard classic in 3960 Allen Crowe Springfield Ill Bueky Sager Toledo More than 20 are expected to lie in the pits according to a conservative estimate by USAC field supervisor Boh Stroud Ito last time promised 25'' and had 4f contestants Painesville Speedway will re sume its two night a week schedule which it dropped ear lier in the season with identical By AL MASTICS The Inter Lake Yachting G8th an nual regatta largest on fresh water which starts next Sunday at Put in Bay is expected to draw a record attendance of yachts and boating fans Composed of the major yacht clubs lining the lakes fiom Bay City Buf 5' and inland I LYA largest pause of turf Many of were as commodious scale mobile homes were just big enough one horse comfortably a jeep or passenger car Class winners yesterday In cluded: GREEN UNTER HACKS Beau's Cottage ridden by Cv Eaton III owned by A c'a 1 a arms LIGHTWEIGHT' WORK ING HUNTERS anev ree owned and ridden bv Barbara Griffiths OPEN GREEN WORKING Irish Mist ridden by Ruth Ramage owned by William Arnold MIDDLE AND HEAVYWEIGHT WORKING HUNTERS Lamp ENGLISH PLEASURE Cra valley Alice Olsen MORGAN MARES (4 years and under) Tas Hope ridden by Marilyn Brown owned by Howard Brown of Greenwich MORGAN MARES (5 years and over) Starlet MORGAN GELDINGS Stormy owned and ridden by Dana Baker of Solon MORGAN STALLIONS (t tears and under) Vigil March MORGAN STALLIONS (5 ears and over) Deerfield Challenger OPEN JUMP The ace owned and ridden bv Annabelle Mercer OPEN WORKING HUNTER alse Alarm REGISTERED MORGANS IN HARNESS Vigil March ridden by Mr Andriola owned by Reata Horse arm WORKING HUNTER HACK Diamond Bill ridden by Juilv ire stone owned by George Sadlier of Indianapolis OPEN )R EEN WORKING HUNTER Surprise Package A 1 PLEASURE Merrv Go Devil owned and ridden by Iloyce Pierce of Ravenna TEAMS THREE HUNTERS Red Raider Camp Team J'l UtSAALr ridden by Bob Russell owned by Sterling Smith of Ravenna OPEN TENNESSEE WALKING HORSE Celebration owned and ridden by Red Gochncr of Aurora OPEN MORGAN UNDER ENG LISH Deerfield Challenger $30 $4 20: 1 6 fur Start sood won drlvlne Winner Dk it amyser zn Mich to fall) ad aeon waters is the and oldest boat ing association on the Great Lake Its 86 clubs number 22000 members al mastics races riday Saturday and Sunday terminating at Put in Bay serve as a prelude to the regatta irst away will he the Cleveland fleet of cruising and racing sail yachts starting off Rocky River riday eve ning The Toledo Sandusky and Vermilion sections start Saturday morning The De troit division leaves from Grosse He Yacht Club Sunday morning Put in in the program Sunday morn ing with special regatta serv ices The only competitive event Sunday' is a powerboat predicted log contest Open to all inboard and outboard low ered cruisers 20 feet or over in length and owned by members of LYA affiliated clubs it is sanctioned by the American Power Boat Association A briefing meeting for skip pers and navigators is slated for 7:30 pm Saturday at Put in Bay Yaciit Club The 38 mile race starts and finishes at Put in Bay Official finish time is 2:30 pm Sunday Top prize is the Alton Greeley me morial trophy Clubs repre sented by three or more entries $1600 3 yn: ReJ'tedM1 i M1R 1:1 2 l39b Mie fl El mt Our Erin Johnblll Elert Money Jessie GoM 312 Colonel Norm 1 1 3 Butch 1 15Smrtalonff 1 95 Indian Jnrk 1 118 $2 $242 $1600 3 yr up: cl 6 Ardan Poipee Bullnck 430 4 80 3 30 Scorcsvilie ThistleDown Charts Copyrlshted (1961) by Triangle publications Inc (Dally Haclng orm) CLOUDY TRACK AS TEMPKHATURK 78 1: 8 fur Start good won driving AlttVlCtalt Home Tout De Suite Chesty Aihowdown Lftiysir Ra al Du wk Bim Rniiinr J'Tiv ISunny lower A aorlal I $2 $880 $520 $340 $820 Rflrt vr UT fl fur Sfirt cond Quick Rvd Mlss Betsy Dolly owell In gate Horse What Reward! Nlcoya Galnews Trust Mint tlmahead Eternal Hart Rnval NuEiietJ Self Command 260 320 500 Mango News atigue ifinelld $2 MUTVEL3 $0 60 $480 $360 $380 $300 $140 $6000? 3 yr up LAKE ERIE Hand 1 start rood driving ua 5 Dark tur Honnay Giri Lacy In gateODid on at i Horse Hurry Home ronn Hollow Ijtdy LaRua El Duke Bir ta Onhhv Sunny Boy 5 i 16 tarir 1 II 12 MUTUEiS $560 lNTiI I40h 3 yr up cl ruiwvinji IIIIHWB 17 Hcrw Oil Show ellnw Darlington II H'dh'd 'Show Bosa Marthilifllj Ixickhait Sign! Red fur 1: Leonard L80 Mdhn Babu Tingle 470 4 bn Nvm Bully Sunday Game Bo Welcome Monmouth Results 6 fur LEET SAILOR razier 840 GET HAPPY Stevenson STRONG WIND Rogers Prime Prospect Ruby 1 Host Corposant Carlo Cosmic Age Casing 6 fur POP ABER Hmojoaa 740 hiatiy Anus rench BRANDY Barrow Star Buckle und Lover Sunny Gem Missus Beau DAILY DOUBLE: leet Aber (6 61 paid $2720 fl fur POKY NOSE Barra 780 SAKABARB Hinojosa SOME PRIZE rench Red Tears Braeburn Lassie Miss lybal 6 fur 1:10: RATTLE JOINED Ycaza 300 DED1MOVD A ream CELESTIAL LEA Hinojosa In orce 6 fur 1:11: MOTIVATION Blum 480 STEP Baeza 800 ROYAL CLIPPER rench Plucky Mel Eastern llubo Ralsun 6 fur 1:12: BATTER UP Woodhouse 780 POLYLADY Ycaza LAUREL MAE Boulmells a i in summer gles Melodie Gai Miss Rotunda laicaiumet rarm 1 CRATINESS Hinojosa MISS MELISANDE NEW STAR Perna Moya Miss 6 fur 1:12: AIR AND WINDY Hinojosa 5 80 SUBSTANTIAL rench CORNY GOSSIP Johnson Cup O'Coffee Be Satisfied 16 DUNRAVEN Rogers 840 INSWEPT Block TROUBLED TIMES Blum Wait or It OB Master 360 410 Horse Laugh 4601 nn Half Acre Delaware Park Results 1 A ml DARK CYMBAL Bailey 2180 LABOUREA Verrone WRANELLA Monacdll Jenny Judpo Bryan Mint New Line Mortal Combat 6 fur 1:13 COMES A TIDE Thornburjf 1480 HAPPY TIGER Lee BEAU PILOT Belmunle Hl t)T Kwnts Turpentine ence Em In Mnmui He's The Tops Martial Law Well Tanned Vitrified (A) ijgnen ivjonigonieij entry DAILY DOUBLE: Dark Cymbal A Tide (5 1) paid $12340 Vi ml L5325: BLUE AND WHITE Gonzalez 1640 789 KING CARLOS Thornburg 10 00 BLOW GUN Mclvur Wild Ride Withstand Kingsville ou quirr nie iniru vream 1 ml 1:39: RIVAL Cook 2120 LEET COMMANDER Thornburg GABRIEL BLUE Bailey Gala Maze Cohuiv Pat i Gem I ml KOWTON Shoemaker 880 RIVER RAGE Kratz JACK BENDER Burr Coven ed Bridie World Darn er 2nd What's Up Doc Confidence Man ml AIRMANS GUIDE Grant 680 ROYAL NATIVE Adams TRITOMA Shoemaker Sarcastic Linita Mountain Glory ChAlvedrie Perlzade Secret Honor Quill Solid Thought Rash Statement (a)Cover Brown entry 1 (fliLORD GREGOR Grant 560 280 240 ICTITIOUS Rotz 36o 320 TOP LEA Thornhurg 340 faiSky Light Poppy Jay Nahodah Dlrce (aljuiray stable Schlosberg entry vu mi hi inorrtourg 90 GALWAY RAY Lee ICK LE Nivht Scarriff Aqueduct Results 6 fur 1:12: Sharpshooter Gustlnes 810 BEAU WHITE Leonard CILEAD Errleo Itching Palm Barbaric Talit Mr Hadera Brazes SECOND 7 rut 1:25: Mellon 5 20 NO JOY Solnnione pinATiftAL i Moyers 330 Donnawoi Sunny World Lovely Irene Petite Renee Ginny jen Ai DAILY DOUBLE: Sharpshooter Dream (O aim 1 yanj jzoou 5A fur BEAU'S RUTH Valenzuela 620 '4 30 1 UNCLE JOE Boland 770 GOL PAINTER Leonard (a)Seppelino (biAl Abrams Bar Blackwell pitch ork (b)Sir Wend Schwab Lewis entry Shamrock atscher entry sur CADET'S MISS Moyers 17 00 COTTAGE Yother NORTHER Nelson Arhor Day Red Damsel Bk' Walt ITH fur l05S: CLE JOHNNY 340 320 Sitm Snrltrz entry 1:38: 540 320 Gino 360 600 4 0 Ruth akpr Sheer Delight Dark Legacy Arlington Results 7 fur 3123S: THEORY Heehmann 3500 MR ROMO Hartack CARLA GAL Nona Chuckwood Goldenose Mon ten Tin Quick Master Count Henry Randall Tulsa Lad Rockport fl fur BIG KLU Chambers 920 489 Bl OND Nono 420 ITS EASY Brown rltzie Etoka Mount Sea Goode Two Shoes Amical Knobtiger Delmargo HI Be'bah Little Alpham DAILY DOUBLE: Theory and Big Klu (2 and 10) paid S34R40 1:51: GRAND QUIVERA necKnwnn KER Hartack (aiMR ARCTIC Son Knight Chehea Lane Rotter Hook tbiDonavan Mighty I Jamie (alDeNlle VandPn'Oort entryb Dobkin Her ff entry OURTH fur LESLIE GIRL Skoronski 980 4 60 urzNHx tuuMi uuerm CYCLADES Marfftrk County Agent Edgemont Lanr anry uuted Tim Jan Jr Heliometer living ton Playmnre Prime Suspect Jennie 1 A 1454: OIL PATCH Benjamin 84 00 3400 2049 PIGEON CREEK Nichols 1120 6 80 VERY SLOW PAY Sorensen 1320 Grecary Bardwell Sir rarran Cj'unt Determination Baltimore Chop So What' 1 rs Vino ICIiIm 0 fur IRST POUND Nichols 4260 NOT BANISHED Hartack WAUKESHA Chambers Admiral Jack Gaylad Slnipner irst air Right Is les Pick nr 1:49: SALASON Hartack 520 COME ABOUT Skoronski CAI AHD NlCnolfl Hymlent Resolved Clef Ruff Weather DHiUi! 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Ground 108 2 10 10 in lntucky Blend and Pretty :46 Str in Jockey Odds lib! i Lunguila 180 2 2 1 Kaelin 1120 fl 3 airholm 360 4 I3 Popara 230 3 ttl 5 SackPtt 820 4 3 6 4 Monteiro 3140 7 8 7 2i Duhon 1190 Bev 2700 $120 $280 1140 740 340 289 20 Racetrarker Right Bub 380 320 800 520 5 60 Lucky Bas 2 20 220 280 240 160 Note Mike 720 400 8 20 3 pp St Str in Jmkry Odds 1 5 4 1 4 3 i 1 Weiler 1080 1 10 10 10 10 5 3 2 1 Sackett 380 8 8 0 1 '7 fl? 2 Duhon 810 3 9 5i 4 3 li 4 2 Kaelin 7920 5 1 3 2 2 4 1 5 1 Clark 2950 fl 3 2 4 7 7 lli 7 2 Wllwn I960 3 7 5 5 6 2 6 1 Ward 520 10 6 6 9 6 9 8 1 liernm fl 20 7 I 1 9 5 9 5 Hanka 2 30 4 2 8 10 10 Young 810 irrntlre allowance claimed THE MASTERPIECE in OILS.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.