The Herald-Press from Saint Joseph, Michigan (2024)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 6 6 6 THE HERALD-PRESS, ST. JOSEPH, MICH. THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1956. Fourteen Stock and Market News STRAWBERRIES LEAD MARKET Sweet Cherries Selling For $5 To $8 In Benton Harbor PRICES THIS NOON Supplies reaching the Benton Harbor market this morning were extremely light. Too light, in fact, to establish definite price ranges on most commodities.

There were virtually no local strawberries. Black raspberries were only item in sufficient mupply, to establish prices. Prices up to noon today were: Black raspberries: $4.75 to few higher early. Red raspberries: few $6 to $7.50.. cherries: 16-qt, Schmidt, one lot $7.25.

Strawberries: too few to quote. The Fourth of July session of trading on the Benton Harbor market saw strawberries cling to the position of leading commodity, but only by a small margin. The supply of strawberries fell below 1,600 crates yesterday. Sweet cherries were up just over the 1,000 crate mark, and black raspberries shot up to over 600 crates from just a handful on Monday. The black raspberry bids slipped during the course of the day under the gain in offerings.

STRAWBERRIES Robinson strawberries in 16-quart crates moved mainly at $3.50 to $4, stronger than on Monday. Some better lots drew $4.25 and $4.50 and some poorer and small were $3 to $3.50. A total of 1,586 crates appeared, which put the season's total at 397,156 packs 1 to date. SWEET CHERRIES Schmidt sweet cherries in 16-quart crates ranged from $5 to $8, according to size and quality: The better, large stock took $7.25 to $8, and the medium size fruit was $6 $7. A few small size brought $5 and $6.

Some lots without stems were $5 and $6. Windsor variety sold mainly from $5 to $5.50, and a few Black' Tartarians and Lamberts were $5 to $6 The sweet cherry supply amounted to 1,011 crates yesterday. SOUR CHERRIES A few lots of sour cherries, mostly Early Richmond variety, went at $3 and a few Montmorency variety did $3.50. BLACK RASPBERRIES Twenty-four pint crates of black raspberries started off around the $6 mark, few up to $6.50, but quickly faded to a $5 to $5.75 range. By midafternoon, the bidding was down to $4.75 to $5.

Supplies amounted to 618 cases. RED RASPBERRIES A slowly gaining supply of red raspberries in 24-pint crates moved readily from $6 to $8.30. CURRANTS Red currents in 16-quart crates were $3.25 and $3.50, on a volume of 92 crates. CUCUMBERS One lot of slicer cucumbers in bushels went at $4.55. Three hundred grower loads, with a total of 3,788 packages crossed the market yesterday.

Twelve day buyers. were present. Livestock CHICAGO, July 5 USDA Salable hogs fairly active; generally steady to weak on ers; weights over 230 lb. steady to 25 lower; sows very uneven; steady to 25 lower; mostly steady to weak bulk No. 2 and 3 190-240 lb.

butchers 16.50-17.00; few hundred head No. 1 to 3 190-220 lb. 17.00-17,25; No. and 2 these grades not available; No. 2 and 3 250-300 tb.

15.75-16.50; ed volume 160-180 lb. 15.00-16.50; few lots 310-350 lb. 14.75-15.75; limitsows around 325-400 lb. in larger lots 13.25-15.00; few selected lots 275-325 lb. 15.00-15.50; sizeable lots 400-500 lb.

11.50-13.50. Salable cattle steers and heifers slow; steers steady to 50 lower; mostly 25 to 50 off; heifers steady to 25 lower; cows slow; steady to weak; bulls steady to 25 lower; mostly steady; vealers fully steady; stockers and feeders about steady; few loads of prime Ib. steers 23.00-23.75; bulk choice and prime steers 20.75-22.75; good to low choice grades 18.00-20.50; choice and prime heifers 20.00-22.25; few good grade light heifers down to 17.50; few standard cows 12.75-13.50; utility and commercial cows 10.00-13.00; canners and cutters 8.50-11.00; few Holstein cutters up to 11.50; utility' and 1 commercial bulls 14.00- 16.00; No. 1 and 2 head weighty commercial bulls 16.25-16.50; good and choice vealers 17.00-21.00; cull to low good 10.00-16.00; load of good 425 lb. stock steer calves 18.75.

Salable sheep spring lambs active; steady to 25 higher; yearfully 50 lower; slaughter sheep steady; good to prime native spring lambs 22.50-26.00; latter price for choice and prime around 90 lbs. and heavier; cull to low good lambs 16.00-21.50; with some light cull 15.00 and below; good and choice 95-104 lb. yearlings No. 1. pelt 17.50- 18.00; cull to choice slaughter ewes 3.00-4.75.

STOCK MARKET EDGES HIGHER Steels, Aircraft Lead Way To Increased Prices NEW YORK, July 5 (P)-The stock market nudged higher early this afternoon with steels and aircrafts leading the way. Pivotal issues posted gains of fractions to around two points. There was a scatter of fractional losers. The start of mediation talks in the five-day-old steel strike and conviction that a general rise in steel prices would be following a settlement underlay market feeling. The steels continued their rise of Tuesday.

Youngstown Sheet Tube advanced around two points. Bethlehem was up more than a point. U. S. Steel and Republic Steel gained fractions.

Boeing went ahead around two points and General Dynamics well over a point. Douglas and United Aircraft were one point gainers. Volume was estimated at around two million shares compared with 1,840,000 Tuesday. Chemicals, which have been among the leaders in recent rallying phases, once again showed plenty of plus signs. Motor issues showed little change.

Rails also performed lazily. U. S. government bonds were steady. Noon Markets From Local Securities BERRIEN SECURITIES.

INC. B. H. Malleable Buchanan Steel I 'M Elec 100-103 Mich. Gas Util North Ind.

PSC 35 Tyler Refrig Kaz. Veg. Parch Additional Listed Securities Bendix Corp .53 Bohn Alum Hammermill Paper 35 Clark Equip Kawneer National Std Standard Coil Yale Towne Whirlpool-Seeger Daystrom .24 Butter and Eggs CHICAGO, July 5 (P) Chicago Mercantile Exchange: Butter steady; wholesale buying prices unchanged; receipts 93 AA score 58.75; 92 A 58.75: 90 56.25; 89 54.75; cars 90 56.75, 89 55.50. Eggs mixed; wholesale buying prices 1 higher to 1 lower; receipts per A 39.00; mixed 18 38.50; mediums 35.00; U. S.

standards 33.50; dirties 30.00; checks 30.00; checks 30.00; current receipts 32.00. AMBULANCE Oryger Call YU a 3-1514 DEY JK is DE IF IT'S GRAY IT'S On The Docket County Jail Reports Auto Looted Ralph Portis, of Chicago, told Berrien sheriff's officers his car was rifled last night while it was parked at Schuler's restaurant. on Lake Shore south of St. Joseph. Portis said he was in the restaurant for an hour.

When he returned, he discovered two sport jackets, one suit coat and a pair of trousers missing. Reports Ring Stolen Miss LeVaye Truman, 118 Nickerson Benton township, filed a complaint with Berrien sheriff's officers saying three rings, one valued at approximately $50, stolen from her house during the past several weeks. She said one had diamond chips, another was a 1921 Benton Harbor high school class ring, and a third was a birth stone ring. She said the rings were taken from a powder box. St.

Joseph Police St. Joseph police ticketed two Six. Drivers Ticketed motorists yesterday on charges of speeding and careless driving. Robert. A.

Ashman, Winona Lake, was arrested for speeding. James H. Hampton, Territorial Benton Harbor, received the careless driving summons. Tuesday police issued tickets to four motorists for various traffic offenses. Ramon J.

Hillock, 1455 Monroe Benton Harbor, was ticketed for driving the wrong way in a one way alley. Edward G. Tollas, 927 Harrison was issued a summons charging him with careless driving. Lawrence Archut, 1030 Morrison also received a careless driving summons. William P.

Lyons, 610 Park was ticketed for speeding. Circuit Court Obtains Divorce obtained Vida Warren, divorce of in Benton Berrien Harbor, a cuit court Tuesday from Leslie Warren for cruelty. They 'were married Sept. 17, 1948, and have two children who were awarded to the plaintiff. Probate Court Estate Petition Probate Judge Malcolm Hatfield was today asked to name James Gray, of Niles, as administrator of a $3,100 estate left by his mother, Fannie Gray, of Buchanan.

Mrs. Gray died May 30. KIDNAPING Continued From Page One his eight-room brick ranch house, set on a half-acre of ground. Afternoon Airing The sky was overcast when Mrs. Weinberger put Peter out for a mid-afternoon airing on the back patio.

She tucked him into his carriage, then went, into the house to talk her maid. Not more than 15 minutes later she stepped out again to see how Peter was faring. He was gone. In his place in his carriage was the ransom note. Secretly the heartsick parents Shortly detectives were swarming notified Nassau county police.

through neighborhood, asking questions about possible strangers. They got one meagre clue. Two teenagers told of a. shabby car and a stranger in it parked about 200 feet from the Weinberger home. A pall of terror spread over the neighborhood, and children were hustled in off the streets.

Neighbors were convinced that any of their children would have been taken had not the Weinberger child been so accessible. Fresh in the minds of all in Nassau county is the case of threeyear-old Stephen Damman. Little Stephen was kidnaped last Oct. 31 from East Meadow, about three miles from Westbury, and has not been found. As the search for Peter Weinberger fanned out, FBI agents joined the Under the federal kidnaping law, known as the Lindbergh law the federal men many advise local police even if there has been no proof of an interstate kidnaping.

Newsmen at the scene speculated on an abductor's possible route. They decided the kidnaper could have driven in from northern state parkway, a major traffic artery only two blocks from the Weinberger home, parked, stolen the child and departed in less than a minute. About seven million dollars a year is spent for sun burn remidies in the United States. Now, more than ever, it pays to first save then spend. SAVINGS INSURED OF SAFETY SAVINGS YOUR LOAN UP TO Current $10,000 Rate NICE CORNY TIME TO SAVE Save by the 10th of the month, receive earnings from the 1st Peoples Savings Association Of Benton Harbor, Michigan Main Office, 165 Pipestone Street TWIN CITIES BRANCH- WATERVLIET BRANCH, Main St.

and US-12 Colfax and Napier Aves. (Serving the Coloma, Hartford and Watervliet areas) BRIDGMAN AGENCY -Bun Baldwin, Jr. THE ONLY INSURED BUILDING LOAN ASSOCIATION OF THE TWIN CITIES Deaths and Funerals Mrs. Emma M. Berry BERRIEN SPRINGS, July 5 Services were conducted at 4:30 p.

m. Wednesday at the McLauchlin funeral home for Mrs. Emma M. Berry, who died Monday morning in Pawating hospital, Niles. The Rev.

Cardy, pastor of Baroda Bible church, officiated. A second service is scheduled for 2 p. m. today in Chicago at the First Nazarene church, 83rd st. and Damon ave.

Burial will be in Greenwood cemetery, Chicago. Mrs. Berry was born July 30, 1872 in Chicago. She is survived by a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Marian Messinger Berry of Rud Bud Trail, Berrien Springs, with whom she had resided; three Mrs.

Berry was preceded in death by her husband, John A. Berry, and a son, Eugene T. Berry, Mrs. Cora Belle Stanard BRIDGMAN, July 5-Mrs. Cora Belle Stanard, 81, a resident of Bridgman for years, a.

m. today at her home following an illness of several years. She was born Sept. 8, 1874, in Muncie, and moved man when she was 15. Her husband, Clyde Standard, died in 1947.

Surviving are two brothers, J. M. Dillavou of Lake City and Ray Dillavou of Midland; two sisters, Mrs. Phillip J. Myers of Dowagiac and Harold Noggle of New Port Richey, Fla.

Services will be conducted at 2 p. m. Saturday at the Olivet Congregational church, The Rev. Frederick Williams, pastor of the church, will officiate, Burial will be in Greenwood cemetery. Friends may call at the Boyd funeral home.

Mrs. Minnie H. Sunday GALIEN, July 5-Mrs. Minnie H. Sunday, 77, of Galien, died Wednesday at 11:30 p.

m. in Pawating hospital, Niles. She was born Dec. 22, 1878, in Galien, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

William H. Hess. In 1907 she was married to Frank Sunday. He died in 1950. Surviving are a brother of Three Oaks and several nieces, Mrs.

William Bebitaqua of Niles, Mrs. Gene Gobble of Michigan City, Mrs. Raymond Beck of Niles, Mrs. Jerry Bullen of Niles, Mrs. Michael Hankila of Niles and Mrs.

Lester Lyon Dowagiac. She was a member of St. Peter's Evangelical and Reformed church and of the Lady Maccabees. Services will be at 2 p. m.

Saturday at the Kenny-Connelly funeral chapel. The Rev. Arthur Habermehl, pastor of St. Peter's, will officiate. Burial will be in Galien cemetery.

Friends may call at the funeral home. Koren Jane Huff BUCHANAN, July 5-Koren Jane Huff, 11-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Huff, 119 S. Cayouga died at 11:30 p.

m. Wednesday in Pawating hospital, Niles. Koren Jane was born July 25, to 1955, in Jackson. Before moving Jackson, the Huffs resided in Buchanan and moved back here a week ago. In addition to her parents, Koren Jane is survived by a sister, Janet Lynn; paternal grandparents, Mr.

and Mrs. Leslie Huff; maternal grandmother, Mrs. Cecile Bliss; paternal great-grandmother, Mrs. Arthur Spenetta and maternal Services will be conducted at 2 great-grandfather, Clarence Upham. Friday from the Swem funp.

m. eral home. The Rev. Lawrence E. Lee, pastor of the First Evangelical United Brethren church, will officlate.

Burial will be in Oak Ridge cemetery. Frank A. Lounsberry SOUTH HAVEN, July 5 -Frank A. Lounsberry, 69, died at his home in South Haven early Wednesday morning. Services will be Saturday at 2 p.

m. at Calvin funeral home, the Rev. B. E. Robinson, retired minister, officiated: Burial will be Lake View cemetery.

Survivors are his wife, Hope, a member of the South Haven township board; a daughter, Mrs. Cathryn Gehring of Bellview, four sons, Fred of Dayton, Harold of Ypsilanti, Francis of Battle Creek and James of Benton Harbor; a sister, Mrs. Ora Lytle of Oak Park, 'a brother, Warren, of Battle Creek; 13 grandchildren; and one great-grandchild. Mr. Lounsberry came to South Haven from Jackson as a small boy.

He served as highway commissioner and township treasurer. In private life he was a building contractor and farmer. Mrs. Cora Starkey Services for Mrs. Cora Starkey, 55, of 1105- Highland Benton Harbor, were held Tuesday at 2 p.

m. in the Church of God in Christ. Mrs. Starkey died June 28 in Mercy hospital, Benton Harbor. Elder Nathaniel Wells, pastor of the church, officiated.

Casket bearers were three sons, Robin, Wyatt and James Starkey, and three nephews, James and Will Woods and Ed Robinson. Burial was in Crystal Springs cemetery, B. H. Arrangements were under the direction of Robbins Brothers Funeral home. Mrs.

Edna Vanderhoof EAU CLAIRE, July 5 -Services will be held at 2 p. m. Saturday at Rogers City, for Mrs. Edna Vanderhoof, old -time Eau Claire resident who died in Rogers City Wednesday. Mrs.

Vanderhoof and her husband, Ed, left Eau Claire for Watervliet and Alpena, before settling in Rogers City. They celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary last October. Mrs. Vanderhoof was the former Edna Bullard, daughter of an earlyBerrien Springs doctor and his day wife. Mrs.

Fred Carter COLOMA, July 5-Funeral rites for Mrs. Flora Carter, wife of Fred Carter and mother of Coloma township Supervisor Roger Carter, were conducted Tuesday at the Davidson funeral home. Mrs. Carter Sunday at the home of a died daughter, Mrs. Fay Krieger, after an illness of 10 weeks.

Officiating at the services were Rev. Vincent Myers Charlotte, a Justus Brune of Coloma, and the son-in-law of the deceased. John of Jaskson sang "Face, to Myerse Face" and "God Be With bearers, all grandsons and Casket were Duane CarCarter, Boyd Carter, R. great grandsons, ter, Larry Carter, Jerry Jollay, LawPaulsen. Burial was in CoRonald rence.

loma cemetery. Mrs. Elizabeth Smalley HARTFORD, July 5 Mrs. Elizabeth Smalley, 76, formerly of Pinery and staying recently her Roland Smalley, in Niles, died son, She was born Jan. 4, 1880, at Fond Wednesday at her son's home.

Du Lac, the daughter of Thomas and Harriet Mason. She is survivher son, Roland, one granddaughter, and five great-grandchildren. Other survivors are two sisters, Mrs. Ada Peterson of SturBay, and Miss Harriet geon Mason of Berkeley, and five brothers, Charles and Herbert Maof Berkeley, Walter of son Shawno, William of Fond Du Lac, and Thomas of Green Bay, Wis. Services will be at Calvin funeral home Friday at 2 p.

the Rev. Robert Geiger officiating. Burial will be in Maple Hill cemetery. HOLIDAY TOLL Continued From Page One traffic deaths during the 30-hour non-holiday period from 6 p. m.

June 19 to midnight June 20. There were 66 traffic deaths, 21 drownings and 21 persons were killed in miscellaneous accidents, an overall total of 108. Largest Last Year Last year the Independence Day holiday extended over three days and the nation's greatest overall toll for any holiday was reported. There were 407 traffic fatalities, 251 drownings and 147 miscellaneous accidental deaths, including lone Death fireworks, by states a total (traffic, of 805. drownings, miscellaneous): Alabama Arkansas 2 1 California 2:3 Colorado 3 2 Connecticult 0 Florida 6 4 Georgia 8 3 3.

Illinois 8 4 Indiana 1 0 Iowa 1 0 Kansas 11 Kentucky 1 6 Lousiana 4 2 Maine 1 0 Maryland 1 3 Massachusetts 0 1 Michigan 10 3 Minnesota 2 0 Mississippi 2 1 Missouri 3 0-0; Montana 5 0 Nebraska 0 01 0 Nevada 1 0 New Jersey 3 1 1 New York 6 1 New Hampshire 1 0.0; New Mexico 0 2 North Carolina 1 1 North Dakota 2 0 Ohio 6 2 Oklahoma 3 0 Pennsylvania 4 5 Rhode Island 0 2 South Carolina 7 1 Tennessee 1 4 Texas 14 4 Utah 0 Virginia 4 8 0 Washington 3 West Virgina 0 2 Wisconsin 5 1 0. The Phoenicians traded with England for tin 1,100 years before the birth of Christ. SAVE SAVE ATTENTION Farmers Fruit Canners and Co Ops Fruit Packages of all Kinds We Specialize ONLY in Fruit Packages. Established Over 20 Years FARMER'S SUPPLY CO. The Farmer's Friend Established Over 20 Years 417 9th St.

South East Corner Fruit Market Phone WA 6-6976, WA 6-7397 SAVE SAVE I STATE DEATHS Continued From Page One Florence La Bar, of St. John, drowned Wednesday in Houghton where she had been swimlake ming with her two sisters. James Leggon, 27, of Muskegon Heights, drowned while bathing Wed- in Idlewild lake in Lake county Williard Leroy Mullreed, 3, of Ann nesday. Arbor, was killed in the driveway of his heme when a log bolstering the siding apparently broke driveway, rolled on him. George McKiernen, 55, of Neebish Island in the St.

Mary's River, died Sunday of a broken neck suffered Saturday night when his head was crossing the river in a motorstruck a ship cable as he boat. southwest of Traverse City when thrown from a boat. Memorial Hospital Admissions Patients admitted to the St. JoMemorial hospital during the seph past 48 hours were: Medical St. Joseph -Tod Mantei, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Eugene Mantei, 1206 Sheridain Mrs. Frank A. Beck, Hatfield apt. Benton Harbor- Charles Larson, Euclid Edgar Scates, 413 402 Territorial Samuel E.

Wilson, 362 Bradford dr. Berrien Springs Sally Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Brown, route 1. Coloma- John Hindman, route 2.

Franklin Park, Tringali, 2900 Lincoln ave. Agnes Smith, 14 Hartford. Stevensville Henry Lancaster, route 1. Surgical St. Joseph-Joseph Strzyzykowski, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph Strzyzykowski, route Russell Glines, 1125 Hillcrest Sandar Neubauer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neubauer, 1719 S. State st.

Irving -Robert Sturch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sturch, box Mrs. Clifford Jonatzke, route 117; 1. Births St.

Joseph -A girl weighing six pounds, ounces born to Lake Mr. and Mrs. Marc Reid, 1117 at 8:21 p. m. 3.

and A a boy half weighing ounces eight was born pounds, to one. and Mrs. Donald Ramer, route 1, at 6:20 a. m. July 3.

A boy weighing seven pounds, 13 ounces was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoge, box 90-K, route 2, at 1:45 p. m. July 3.

A boy weighing nine pounds, one half ounce was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rimpel, 1203 Sheridan at 6:58 a. July 4. Benton Harbor--A boy weighing seven pounds, 12 ounces was born to Mr.

and Mrs. Ronald Kinney, 681 Pipestone at 8:09 a. m. July 4. A girl weighing six pounds, two and a half ounces was born to Mr.

and Mrs. Lumise Whistnant, 120 Sassafras lane, at 5:50 a. m. A girl weighing seven pounds, ounces was born to Mr. and Mrs.

William Rice, 600 Payone at 3:55 a. m. July 4. A girl weighing six pounds, ounces was born to Mr. and Mrs.

Walter DeWolff, 202 Wells at 9:54 a. m. July 4. Bridgman-A boy weighing eight pounds, six ounces was born to Mr. and Mrs.

Harold D'Agostino at 6:08 p. m. July 4. Stevensville boy weighing five pounds, ounces was born to Mr. and Mrs.

Arnold Bishop, route 1, at 8:01 p. m. July 4. A boy weighing 10. pounds was born to Mr.

and Mrs. John Wharton, route 1, at 8:17 a. m. July 4. A girl weighing seven pounds, ounces was born to Mr.

and Mrs. Leon Mielke, route 1, at 3:05 a. m. July 3. Discharges St.

Joseph-Mrs. Marion Wilson and girl, route Mrs. Patrick Ryan and boy, 1011 Michigan Mrs. Marion Croft, 702 Wayne George Penrod, 2732 Niles Joseph Strzyzykowski, route Elizabeth Bales, 1911 S. State Mrs.

Peter Palis and route David Kudlo, 712 Botham' a ave. Benton Harbor-Mrs, J. W. Arnold and girl, 543 Pipestone Mrs. Edgar Lambrecht and boy, 460 Mayfield Eugene Evans, 613 E.

High Samuel E. Wilson, 362 Bradford Mrs. David Smith and boy, 470 Edwards Elaine Joseph, 274 Vishta; Mrs. James Qualls, 1333 Rackliffe Hanna Butler, 642 Green Earl Jones, Ninth Linda Bresch, 1256 Jennings ave. Baroda-Vern Lausman, box Berrien Springs Robert Herman, route Sally Brown, route 1.

Bridgman-Dianne Reck. Coloma-Mrs. Victor Keigley and girl, route Mrs. Martha Stevens, route 1. Eau Claire Dawson Paul.

Franklin Park, 1 -Sal Tringali, 2900 Lincoln ave. Hartford Mrs. Agnes Smith, 14 Pleasant st. Niles-Mrs. Marion Dewey, 318 N.

Third st. Richmond, Ind. Mrs. Kenneth Ashbrook, 229 Southwest 32nd st. Sawyer--Arthur Tarman.

Watervliet Timothy Jarvis, Bowes landing; Gordon Cartwright. Suit Seeks Recovery Of Property Deposit Louis Waterbrook, of West DePere, has started a 'suit in Berrien county circuit court to recover $1,000 he allegedly paid to a Berrien Springs man for a parcel of land which he intended to, buy. Waterbrook names Robert Beck, of Berrien Springs, as defendant in the suit. The plaintiff claims he paid the $1,000 as a down payment on some property in Berrien Waterbrook contends that defendant never conveyed the land. 0 Net Income (Gains Over 1955.

Chesapeake and Ohio Railway today reported June net -income of $5,767,000 compared with $5,530,000 in June 1955. The June earnings were equal to 72 cents a share of common stock compared with 69 cents for June of last year. Net income for the six months of this year was $32,099,000, or $4.00 a common share against $27,172,000, or $3.40 per share for the comparable 1955 period. Gross revenues for June were 131,000, compared with $33,708,000 in 1955. The gross for, the sixmonth period Was $204,918,000, against $178,474,000 for the same time last year.

Hartford Woman Takes Overdose Of Sedative PAW PAW, July 5-A Hartford woman was taken to Watervliet community hospital about 10 p. m. Wednesday after taking. an overdose of sleeping pills, Paw Paw state police reported. The identified the woman as Mrs.

Shirley Hauwekgen, 23. said she was rushed to the hospital neighbor after swallowing 16 by the tablets. Police said Mrs. Hauwekgen apparently was despondent over hus- her recent separation from her band. NILES STUDIO SUED Glenn's Glass shop, of Niles, has fled a $600 civil action in Berrien circuit court against Donna's Dance studio, of Niles.

The declaration asserts the dance studio failed to pay for goods delivered this spring. El Morro and San Cristobal, two massive fortifications at San Juan, Puerto Rico, were the strongest bastions by the Spanish in the entire surest Indies. Legal Notice 'REGISTRATION NOTICE I will be at the Twp. Hall Pct. Monday July 9, 1956 from 8 m.

to 8 p. m. to review the Registration and to register all qualified electors of the Township, C. O. JORDAN, Clerk.

July 2, 5 (2t) NOTICE The Township Zoning Board for the Township of Lake, Berrien County, Michigan, will hold a public hearing on Zoning Ordinance and Building Ordinance for said township at 8:00 p. Hath- m. on Tuesday, 1956 at the away School Tentative located' at texts of each in OrdiJericho said township. nance. will be- available for public inspection at the Jericho Grocery Store located at Jericho in said township from 7:30 8.

m. to 9:00 p. m. daily. except Sunday and at the aforementioned Hathaway School, inside the front door, in said township.

Dated: July 2, 1956. RICHARD KADING, Chairman Lake Township Zoning Board. July 5, 25 (2t) NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the Voters of School District No. 46 Stevensville, in the Township of Lincoln and Lake called by Board of Education will be held at High school, on the 9 day of July, 1956, at 8:00 o'clock p.m. Dated this 29 day of June, 1956.

HARRY PALLAS, Secretary. July 5-7 (3t) ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN To the Qualified Electors of No. 46 Lincoln and Lake Township. THAT THE ANNUAL ELECTION WILL BE HELD ON Monday- July 1956 IN THE Stevensville School. The place (or places) of ELECTION are indicated below: Home Economics Room of the High School.

The Polls for the said Election will be open from 7:00 o'clock A. and remain open until 8:00 o'clock P. of the same Election day, Dated June 29, 1956. HARRY PALLAS. Secretary, Board of Education.


GLAVIN, THOMAS WILKINSON. EDWARD K. WARREN, or their unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and assigns, and THERON D. CHILDS, PAUL OSELKA, and the VILLAGE OP NEW BUFFALO, a municipal corporation, Defendants. At a session of said Court held in City of' St.

Joseph in said County on the 11th day of June, 1956. PRESENT: HON. THOMAS N. ROBINSON, Circuit Judge. On reading and filing the bill of complaint in said cause and the affidavit of George L.

Sieb, Plaintiff herein, from which 1t satisfactorily appears to the Court that the defendants above named, or their unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and assigns, are proper and necessary parties defendant in the above entitled cause, and It further appearing that after diligent search and inquiry it cannot be ascertained, and it is not known whether or not said defendants (except Defendants Theron D. Childs, Paul Oselka and the Village of New Buffalo) are living or dead, or where any of them may reside if living, and, it dead, whether they have personal representatives or heirs living or where they or some of them may reside, and further, that the present whereabouts of said defendants are unknown, and that the names of the persons who are included therein without being named, but who are embraced therein under the title of unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and assigns, cannot be ascertained after diligent search and quiry On motion of Arthur G. Preston, attorney for. Plaintiff, IT IS ORDERED that said defendants and their unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and assigns, cause their appearance to be entered in this cause within three months from the date of this order, and in default thereof that said Bill of Complaint be taken as confessed, by the said defendants, their unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and as signs. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that within forty days.

Plaintiff cause copy of this order to be published in the St. Joseph Herald-Press, a newspaper printed, published and circulating in said County, such publication to be continued therein once each week for six successive weeks. THOMAS N. ROBINSON, Circuit Judge. COUNTERSIGNED: FRANK X.

DUERR, JR. Clerk. A TRUE COPY MYRTLE GILL, Deputy County Clerk. TAKE NOTICE that this suit, in which the foregoing order was duly made, involves and is brought to quiet title to the following described piece or parcel of land situate in the Township of New Buffalo, Berrien County, Michigan: All that part of Fractional Sections and 9, (extended), Township 8 South, Range 21 West, New Buffalo Township, Berrien County, Michigan, described as: Commencing at point that is 570 feet North West from the intersection of the center line of Whittaker Avenue and the center. line of Water Street in the Village of New -Buffalo, Berrien County, Michigan; thence continue North West 410 feet; thence South West to the waters of the Galien River; thence Southerly upstream along the water's edge of said river to point that is South West from the place of beginning: thence North East 40 feet more or less to the place of beginning.

Also, all that part of said Fractional Sections 3 and 9, described as: Commence ing at point that is 570 feet North West of the intersection of the center line Whittaker Avenue and the center line of Water Street in the Village of New Buffalo, Berrien County, Michigan; thence continue North West 410 feet; thence North East 70 feet to the center of Whittaker Avenue; thence Southerly along the center of Whittaker Avenue to point that is North East of the place of beginning; thence South West feet, more or less, to the place of beginning, subject to the rights of the lic in the Street or way known as taker Avenue. ARTHUR G. PRESTON, JR. Attorney for Plaintiff Business Address: 600 Main Street St. Joseph, Michigan.

June 13-July 18 (6t) AUCTION SALE Saturday, July 7-Commencing at 1 O'Clock I will sell the following property to settle the estate, of Ada Judd, the Alvin farm, located 2 mi. east and mi. north of Eau Claire on M-140. Watch Puterbaugh for the signs. 7 ft.

refrigerator, Maytag washer, elec. pad, iron, 2 beds, dressers, 2 chests of drawers, 9x12 rug, tapestry davenport several chairs bookcase full of books, trunks, lots of bedding, set of new dishes, set of Rogers silverware, lot of odd. dishes and pans, Some Antiques. Low wagon tractor hitch, 2-14 gates, posts wire, crates, hoes, shovels and small tools, and a lot of misc. articles.

Terms Cash. Not responsible for accidents or goods after sold. RAYMOND MILLER, ADMINISTRATOR ADA JUDD ESTATE WELLS KAISER, Auct. FLOYD SOMMER, Clerk Eau Claire HO 1-3033 Eau Claire HO 1-5952 Do-It-Yourself, By Mail, Classified Ad Name St. Address City (Write Your Ad, One Word On Each Space Below) PUBLISH DAYS 15 WORDS, 6 DAYS $2.10 DAYS $1.40 1 DAY 706 Fill In Blank Spaces Above And Mail With Your Check To The Herald Press Phone YU 3-2531 St.

Joseph, Michigan.

The Herald-Press from Saint Joseph, Michigan (2024)


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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.