Article Writing Sites for Beginners: Top Platforms to Launch Your Writing Career - Conor Martin (2024)

Breaking into the world of freelance writing can be a daunting challenge for beginners. Many new writers might not know where to begin or how to find writing gigs that are suitable for their skill level.

My favourite site for getting started writing articles is called fiverr. It is the biggest online marketplace online for any type of freelance gig so therefore an excellent place to get started.

10 Article Writing Platforms for Beginners

For newcomers to the freelance writing scene, choosing the right platform is crucial. Here’s a curated list of 10 beginner-friendly places:

  1. Fiverr
    Pros: Set your own prices and services.
    Cons: High competition; service fee.
  2. SolidGigs
    Pros: Well-curated job listings.
    Cons: Membership fee.
  3. Contena
    Pros: Aggregates gigs from across the web.
    Cons: Paid membership required.
  4. Textbroker
    Pros: Open to beginners; pay is commensurate with skill level.
    Cons: Lower pay for entry-level writers.
  5. iWriter
    Pros: Easy to start; no experience necessary.
    Cons: Pay increases with experience and ratings.
  6. Upwork
    Pros: Large variety of jobs.
    Cons: Competitive; service fee.
  7. Medium
    Pros: Platform to publish immediately.
    Cons: Earnings based on reader engagement.
  8. Vocal Media
    Pros: Monetizes based on readership.
    Cons: Beneficial for high-traffic articles.
  9. ProBlogger
    Pros: Job board specifically for bloggers.
    Cons: Can be competitive; jobs vary widely in pay.

New writers can test the waters and gain experience by getting involved with these platforms. They offer a mix of paid and exposure opportunities that can lead to more substantial work as one’s portfolio grows.

All about Article Writing

In article writing, the writer’s mastery lies in presenting information clearly and engagingly, catering to the intended audience’s preferences and informational needs.

The Basics of Article Writing

Article writing involves the creation of informative content for a variety of mediums including websites, blogs, magazines, and more. It requires a clear structure, typically comprising an introduction, a body that elaborates on the main points, and a conclusion that summarizes the content and provides closure.

A well-structured article guides readers smoothly from one point to the next. Topics are chosen based on the writer’s knowledge and interest, as well as the audience’s needs.

Writing style and tone are adapted to suit the subject matter and the audience, ranging from formal and serious to casual and conversational. The length of an article can vary greatly, but should always be sufficient to cover the topic adequately without superfluous detail.

Different Types of Articles

Articles come in various forms, each serving a unique purpose and audience. Here are some common types:

  • How-to Guides: These articles provide step-by-step instructions to help readers perform a task.
  • Listicles: Feature content structured in a list format, often used to present information in an easily digestible way.
  • Feature Stories: Explore topics in depth, providing comprehensive coverage with background information, expert opinions, and analysis.
  • News Articles: Offer timely, factual reporting on recent events with an emphasis on who, what, when, where, why, and how.
  • Opinion Pieces: Convey the author’s viewpoint on a topic, supported by arguments and analysis to persuade the reader.

This variety in article types allows writers to approach a topic from different angles, providing an appropriate format to achieve their intended purpose, whether it’s to inform, persuade, entertain, or explain complex information.

I use KoalaWriter for my articles(including this one!) which is an AI article writer and the quality is absolutely amazing. You can try it out here.

Preparation for Writing

Before delving into writing, a beginner must equip themselves with strong research skills and a clear understanding of their target audience. These foundational steps ensure the content is both credible and tailored to reader needs.

Research Skills and Finding Reliable Sources

An essential skill for any writer is the ability to conduct thorough research. Reliable sources are the cornerstone of informative and trustworthy articles.

Writers should use academic databases, reputable news outlets, and verified online resources to gather information. They must learn to discern credible sources from unreliable ones by checking the author’s credentials, the date of publication, and the evidence supporting the content.

  • Assess Source Reliability:
    • Author expertise and reputation
    • Up-to-date information
    • Citations and references provided
    • Publication by a respected institution

Understanding Your Audience and Their Needs

A writer’s content must resonate with their audience. This requires an understanding of the audience’s interests, questions, and needs.

Identifying the target audience helps to tailor content that is engaging and relevant to them. Writers should ask:

  • Who is the target audience?
  • What questions might they have about the topic?
  • What unique value can the writer offer to answer these questions?

A detailed audience analysis might include:

  • Demographics: Age, location, education, job role
  • Interests: Personal or professional areas of focus
  • Problems Needing Solutions: Common challenges they face

By combining strong research with a clear understanding of the audience, writers can create articles that are not only informative but also highly appealing to their readers.

Establishing an Online Presence

For beginners in article writing, establishing a robust online presence is an effective strategy to display their work and attract potential clients or readers. This involves curating a professional portfolio and selecting the right platforms to showcase their expertise.

Creating a Portfolio

A portfolio is an essential tool for any writer—it is their professional showcase.

Bloggers, copywriters, and freelance writers should ensure that their portfolio effectively highlights their best work and demonstrates their range of skills. Beginners can consider these steps:

  1. Compile Writing Samples: An array of articles that exhibit the writer’s versatility.
  2. Highlight Areas of Expertise: Clearly showcase niches and areas where the writer excels.
  3. Keep it Updated: Regularly add recent work to keep the portfolio fresh and relevant.

Choosing the Right Platforms

Selecting appropriate platforms where a writer can present their profile and work is crucial. The platforms should align with the writer’s goals and the audience they intend to engage.

  • LinkedIn: Ideal for a professional presence and networking with other writers and potential clients.
  • Medium: Allows writers to publish articles while also engaging with a community of readers and writers.
  • Personal Blog: Great for establishing a personal brand and providing a centralized hub for all written work.

Writers should maintain consistency in how they present themselves across these platforms, ensuring their online image remains clear and professional to all visitors.

Improving Writing Skills

For beginners seeking to enhance their writing capabilities, focusing on grammar and style is fundamental. It is also important to develop a unique writing style and tone that reflects their voice and passion.

Grammar and Style

Grammar forms the backbone of effective communication in writing. It involves correct punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, and word usage.

Beginners can utilize online tools such as Write & Improve from Cambridge English, which offers instant feedback to help refine these core aspects. They should practice regularly by engaging in exercises aimed at strengthening grammar skills.

Tools like Grammarly assist by reviewing text for errors and suggesting improvements.

Additionally, to enhance the style of writing, writers should:

  • Choose strong, descriptive verbs over generic ones.
  • Vary sentence length to maintain reader interest.
  • Employ active voice over passive voice where possible.

Developing Your Writing Style and Tone

Developing one’s writing style involves cultivating a unique voice that can communicate ideas effectively and resonate with readers.

Writers should read extensively, absorb various styles, and then practice writing in a way that is both authentic and engaging. Using prompts and lessons from sources such as The Write Practice can stimulate creativity and aid in forming a distinctive style.

The tone refers to the attitude the writer conveys through their writing, which can range from formal to casual, humorous to serious.

A writer’s tone should align with their intended audience and purpose of the writing. Beginners should experiment with different tones to discover what feels most natural and impactful for their intended message and audience.

Writing for Online Platforms

Online platforms offer diverse opportunities for writers to showcase their talent, often catering to those beginning their journey in content creation. They provide exposure to a variety of writing styles, and understanding the different areas, such as SEO writing and blogging, is crucial to success.

Blogging and Content Writing

Platforms such as Medium and numerous blogs serve as excellent starting points for beginners in blogging and content writing.

These spaces are ideal for writers to develop their personal brand, engage with a readership, and publish articles on a plethora of topics. Writers can enhance their skills by focusing on crafting engaging content, staying true to their voice, and understanding the interests of their target audience.

SEO Writing and Copywriting

The art of SEO writing involves optimizing articles with relevant keywords to improve their visibility on search engines.

Writers must learn to naturally integrate these keywords into their content, ensuring it remains informative and engaging.

Copywriting, often linked with advertising, requires a persuasive style, with an emphasis on crafting compelling messages that lead to conversions.

Both disciplines demand a strategic approach to writing, where every word serves a purpose geared towards specific outcomes.

Freelance Writing and Publications

New freelance writers often start with platforms that curate opportunities and cater specifically to their level of experience.

SolidGigs is a noteworthy site that vets freelance jobs across various niches and presents only the top-tier selections.

On the other hand, employment-oriented platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor aggregate job listings, including roles for novice writers. Here, one can filter searches to match their skill level and interests.

Subscription sites, such as Contena, require a membership fee, but promise a selection of quality freelance writing jobs—though beginners should weigh the cost against potential income.

Pitching and Direct Approaches

A more proactive method for finding writing gigs is through direct pitching to publications and businesses.

Crafting a personalized pitch to an editor or a marketing director could land a beginner in freelance writing niches like eCommerce descriptions or blogging.

This direct approach allows writers to showcase their writing style and value proposition, cutting through the competitive noise.

It’s crucial for freelance writers to research their target publications thoroughly, understand the audience, and offer clear, concise, and relevant content ideas.

Crafting Engaging Content

In the realm of article writing, the creation of great content hinges on an inviting title and clear structure. These elements capture the reader’s attention and facilitate easy navigation through the piece.

Developing a Catchy Title and Introduction

The title serves as the first impression and gateway to the content. A catchy title should succinctly convey the essence of the article while sparking curiosity.

The introduction further sets the tone, enticing readers with a preview of the content’s value.

It should open with a hook, perhaps a startling fact or a provocative question, to engage the reader’s interest immediately.

Using Subheadings and Bullet Points to Structure Content

Structuring content with subheadings and bullet points enhances readability and organization.

Readers often scan content, and subheadings guide them through the article’s main points, allowing them to quickly find information relevant to their interests.

  • Bullet points break down complex information into manageable chunks, making the content more digestible.
  • They serve to highlight key concepts or steps in a process, allowing readers to grasp the content’s essentials at a glance.

Employing these formatting techniques keeps the article focused and comprehensible, and by effectively leveraging them, the author ensures that their content resonates with and retains their audience.

Types of Writing Jobs

In exploring avenues for beginner writers to start their careers, it’s essential to understand the diverse roles available. Below are detailed snapshots of specific writing job types that cater to the early stages of a writing career.

Copywriter and Ghostwriter Roles

Copywriters are the architects of persuasive language, crafting compelling text that aims to promote or sell a product or service. They produce a variety of content including advertisem*nts, web page content, and email campaigns.

Ghostwriters, on the other hand, write content that will be credited to another person, such as articles, speeches, and books.

Both roles hone a writer’s ability to adopt different voices and styles tailored to client needs.

Content Mills and Staff Writing Positions

Content mills are platforms that serve as a stepping stone for writers to build experience by generating a high volume of content, often for low pay. They offer a range of topics, providing a place for writers to practice and improve their skills.

Staff writing positions, typically more stable, involve writers being employed by a single company to produce content consistently, which can include blog posts, product descriptions, and news articles.

These roles allow a writer to develop expertise in a particular niche and potentially enjoy a more predictable income stream.

Getting Paid for Writing

In the world of freelance writing, writers have the power to monetize their skills across a variety of online platforms, each with its specific guidelines and payment structures. Understanding how to navigate these aspects is crucial for new writers looking to make money through article writing.

Monetizing Online Articles

Writers seeking to make money from articles have numerous websites at their disposal.

Upwork offers a diverse market where one can set their rates and engage with clients directly. Meanwhile, beginners can tap into SolidGigs, which provides a curated list of writing jobs suitable for new entrants.

It is important for writers to meticulously follow the guidelines of the platform they choose, as this can affect both their reputation and earning potential.

Payment for articles may vary drastically, so writers should select platforms that align with their financial goals.

WebsiteFeePayment TypeSuitable for
UpworkFree Sign UpSet own rates/Fixed/Per hrAll levels
SolidGigsMonthly feeVaries per jobBeginners
ContenaMembershipVaries per jobBeginners/Advanced

Writers should adhere to deadlines consistently to maintain a positive relationship with clients, which could lead to more work and better pay.

Understanding Rates and Contracts

When writers step into the realm of freelance writing, they must understand the importance of negotiating rates and understanding contracts.

Beginners might start with standard rates before moving on to charge per word, which can be more lucrative but requires a clear grasp of one’s writing speed and quality.

Contracts are the backbone of professional engagements, outlining specifics like deadlines, revisions, and payment terms.

Reading and understanding every clause of a contract is essential to ensure fair compensation and avoid disputes.

  • Rates: Negotiate clearly and know your worth.
  • Contracts: Read thoroughly to understand the scope of work and payment terms.

Writers should never hesitate to ask for clarity on guidelines or contract terms to prevent misunderstandings.

Starting writers can greatly benefit from familiarizing themselves with industry standards regarding compensation, which will help in setting realistic expectations and building a sustainable career in article writing.

Final Touches

Before an article reaches the public eye, ensuring its clarity and correctness is essential. The final touches on an article solidify its value and contribute to the creation of a high-quality piece.

Editing and Proofreading

Editing includes revising the content for clarity, precision, and effectiveness.

Writers should review their work for logical flow, coherent structure, and strength of argument. Editing transforms a rough draft into a polished article.

  • Proofreading, on the other hand, is the final step before publication. It involves meticulously checking the text for errors in:
  • Spelling
  • Grammar
  • Punctuation

Proofreading ensures the article is free of mistakes that could distract or confuse readers.

Citation Style and References

Employing the correct citation style is crucial when referencing others’ work within an article. It bestows credibility and helps readers locate sources.

The main citation styles include:

  • APA (American Psychological Association)
  • MLA (Modern Language Association)
  • Chicago/Turabian

References must be formatted consistently in the chosen citation style. A high-quality article respects intellectual property by properly citing all sources of information.

Citation StyleUses
APASocial Sciences
ChicagoHistory, Business, Fine Arts

In third-person narrative, the writer must be wary of citation errors and employ diligence to ensure every source is acknowledged correctly.

Advancing Your Writing Career

In the journey to enhance one’s writing career, writers must concentrate on building a solid reputation and seizing opportunities for professional growth. These components are essential for both credibility and career elevation.

Building Credibility and Expertise

Writers can establish credibility by consistently creating high-quality content and sharing their portfolios on platforms designed for beginner freelancers.

Initiatives like engaging in online writing courses or masterclasses can equip them with advanced skills and industry knowledge.

Documenting each success story or significant project further solidifies their expertise, creating a reputation for quality and reliability.

  • Courses attended: Masterclasses
  • Portfolio: Quality contributions
  • Recognition: Testimonials and endorsem*nts

Networking and Growth Opportunities

Effective networking can offer writers access to new markets and career-boosting connections.

A deliberate presence on professional networking sites, such as LinkedIn, allows them to showcase their writing niche to potential employers.

Additionally, platforms offering entry-level writing gigs help them to gain writing experience, essential for their professional development.

  • Platforms for visibility: LinkedIn, freelance job sites
  • Experience: Diversity of writing jobs
  • Connects: Industry professionals, peer groups
Article Writing Sites for Beginners: Top Platforms to Launch Your Writing Career - Conor Martin (2024)


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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.