A Group Of Tourists Were On An Outing When They Noticed That Precipitation Began To Fall. The Air Temperature (2024)

Chemistry High School


Answer 1


The correct answer is - rain.


At 32 degrees c or zero degrees Celsius, droplets of water in the atmosphere do not freeze as it is not the temperature at which water freezes but it is the temperature at which ice melts.

At this temperature the water changes its state, below 32 degrees Fahrenheit the water freezes but in the atmosphere, it not freezes necessarily and remains in the liquid state and called super-cooled liquid or water. Above this temperature, water in liquid state.

Thus, the precipitation is in the form of rain.

Related Questions

Provide your answer in the following format: [element name], [chemical family]


Answer: Bismuth (Bi) , Nitrogen family


As the element has 5 valence electrons in the sixth energy level, which mens it belongs to 6th period as the valence electron has entered the 6th energy level.

Now as the electrons are filled according to afbau's rule , the electronic configuration of the element will be :


Now as the atomic number of element is equal to the number of electrons in a neutral atom , the atomic number is 83 and the element is Bismuth (Bi). As the last electron enters p -subshell , it is a p block element. It lies in group 15 which is nitrogen family.

Is nuclear energy poised to be part of America’s future?



Nuclear energy powers our businesses, homes and military. America’s 95 operating nuclear reactors generate approximately 20% of our nation’s electricity and provide over half of our carbon-free energy. They also create good-paying jobs at power plants and uranium mines. Wyoming produced 87% of America’s domestic uranium supply in 2018.

Today, nuclear energy faces serious hurdles. Regulatory costs and subsidies for renewable energy technologies are forcing America’s nuclear power plants to close at an alarming rate.

Russia and China are subsidizing their government-owned nuclear companies to assert their energy influence around the world. China is searching the globe for uranium reserves and investing heavily in the countries where it’s found. They want to secure more nuclear fuel for themselves and increase their control of the global supply.

Meanwhile, American nuclear power plants have come to rely on cheap Russian imports of uranium to meet their nuclear fuel needs. Right now, roughly 40% of the uranium coming into the United States originates in Russia or its satellite states of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Russian-backed companies are developing fuel that can be placed directly in American reactors.


Which of these statements describes the basic idea of the Valence Shell
Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) theory?
1. Molecules repel one another due to intermolecular forces.

2. There is always an octet of electrons around an atom in a molecule

3. Shared and unshared electron pairs repel each other as much as
4. Electrons are attracted to the nucleus of the central atom.



3. Shared and unshared electron pairs repel each other as much as



The variations in the bond angles of molecules and ions can be explained using the valence shell electron pair repulsion theory.

The VESPR model determines the total number of electron pairs (TEP) surrounding the central atom of a specie. The TEP consists of bond pairs BP and lone pairs LP.

All the electron pairs will orient themselves in such a way as to minimize the electrostatic repulsion between them.

The repulsion determines the geometry of the covalent bonds around the central atom. As the number of lone pairs increases from 0 to 2, the bond angles diminishes progressively.

Some consumers, like lions, do not eat plants or any other producers. They only eat other animals.

How do lions obtain the carbon they need?

by eating animals that have carbon-based molecules stored in their bodies
by breathing it in from the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide
by absorbing carbon-based molecules through their skin from the soil
by drinking water that contains carbon dioxide





Some consumers, like lions, do not eat plants or any other producers. They only eat other animals. lions obtain the carbon they need by eating animals that have carbon-based molecules stored in their bodies and the correct option is option 1.

What are Consumers?

Heterotrophs are known as consumers because they consume producers or other consumers. Heterotrophs occupy the second and third levels in a food chain, a sequence of organisms that provide energy and nutrients for other organisms.

Heterotrophic living organisms include all animals and fungi, some protists and bacteria, many types of parasitic plants.

Carnivores (organisms that eat meat) and omnivores (organisms that eat plants and meat) occupy the third level.

Therefore, Some consumers, like lions, do not eat plants or any other producers. They only eat other animals. lions obtain the carbon they need by eating animals that have carbon-based molecules stored in their bodies and the correct option is option 1.

Learn more about Consumers, here:



Predict the precipitate that will be formed in the following reaction:
NaF(aq) + AgNO3(aq) →


The precipitate that will be formed : AgF

Further explanation

One indication of the double displacement reaction is the precipitation reaction

Solubility Rules:

•1. soluble compound

All compounds of Li +, Na +, K +, Rb +, Cs +, and NH4 +

All compounds of NO₃⁻ and C₂H₃O₂⁻

Compounds of Cl−, Br−, I− except Ag⁺, Hg₂²⁺, Pb²⁺

Compounds of SO₄²⁻ except for Hg₂²⁺, Pb²⁺, Sr²⁺, Ba²⁺

•2. insoluble compounds

Compounds of CO₃²⁻ and PO₄³⁻ except for Compounds of Li +, Na +, K +, Rb +, Cs +, and NH₄ +

Compounds of OH− except Compounds of Li +, Na +, K +, Rb +, Cs +, NH₄⁺, Sr²⁺, and Ba²⁺


NaF(aq) + AgNO₃(aq) →NaNO₃(aq)+ AgF(s)

From the solubility rules above, it has been shown that the salts of the Ag⁺ cations are insoluble salts

Exactly how many planes contain points J, K, and N?
O 0
O 1
O 2
O 3




Point J is on neither plane X or plane Y. Hope this helps you.




Aqueous solutions of sodium carbonate and magnesium chlorate are mixed



You're mixing magnesium nitrate, Mg(NO3)2 , and sodium carbonate, Na2CO3 , two soluble ionic compounds that dissociate completely in aqueous solution to form cations and anions.

what does an atomic emission spectrum look like if the electrons energy levels in an atom were not quantizied

a. lines would be shifted into the ultraviole region

b. there would be fewer lines

c. there will be more lines

d. the spectrum would be constnuous


Answer: The spectrum would be continuous


Atomic transitions allow us to find that the correct answer to what would happen if there was no quantization is:

d. the spectrum would be continous

In the models of atoms the correct explanation for the energy was given by Planck, by establishing that the energy of an electron is:

E = h ν

Where E is the energy, h the Planck constant and ν the frequency.

Therefore a transition occurs as the jump of an electron from one level to another

ΔE = E₂ - E₁

In all atomic models the levels are discrete, so the jumps are also discrete.

If the levels were continuous, the energy difference between the lines disappears and we have a continuous emission spectrum.

Let's review the different answers:

a. False. The lines disappear

b. False. This for if the separation between levels increases, which is the opposite process to the one analyzed.

c. False. The lines disappear

d) True. The spectrum is a continuum without any separation.

In conclusion, using the atomic transitions we find that the correct answer for what would happen if there was no quantization is:

d. the spectrum would be constnuous

Learn more here: brainly.com/question/19426165

What goes in cellular respiration and what comes out of cellular respiration?


Oxygen and glucose are both reactants in the process of cellular respiration. The main product of cellular respiration is ATP; waste products include carbon dioxide and water.

Balance the following equation.
___ I + ___ O2 ___ I4O10


4I+5O2=I4O10? which would be a synthesis reaction

In a lever,E×E.D.=L×__________​



LD is a answer okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Question 14
An element's periodic table identity is defined by its number of





protons are the atomic number which define an element

How much work is required to pull a sled if you use 60J of work in 5 seconds?



DO I Look Like santa too you how am i supposed to know How about this how about you goo.gle the answer wow smart


Most of the elements on the Periodic Table are metals.



the answer is true


I hope so it is helpful to u

What is the affected variable in an experiment. A:independent. B:dependent. C:control


In a controlled experiment, an independent variable (the cause) is systematically manipulated and the dependent variable (the effect) is measured; any extraneous variables are controlled. The researcher can operationalize (i.e. define) the variables being studied so they can be objectivity measured.


How many moles of water are produced when 5 moles of hydrogen gas react with 2 moles of oxygen gas?

Balanced equation: 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O (5 points)

a. 2 moles of water
b. 4 moles of water
c. 5 moles of water
d. 7 moles of water



It is b

Explanation: I did it on the test and got it right

The moles of water are produced when 5 moles of hydrogen gas react with 2 moles of oxygen gas - b. 4 moles of water

The stoichiometric coefficients can be considered in a balanced equation as moles of reactants needed or moles of products formed in the reaction.

In the given case, the balanced chemical equation for this synthesis reaction looks like this

2H2 + O2 → 2H2O

from the balanced equation, it is clear that the 2 moles of hydrogen gas and 1 mole of oxygen gas are required to produce 2 moles of water. so it means that the reaction produces twice as many moles of water as you have moles of oxygen gas that take part in the reaction and the same moles as hydrogen atoms present.Here it is given that there are only 2 moles of oxygen which means it is in deficiency however, it will produce 4 moles of water with four moles of hydrogen.

Thus, the moles of water are produced when 5 moles of hydrogen gas react with 2 moles of oxygen gas - b. 4 moles of water

Learn more:


Does anyone know how to determine if a reaction is a redox or not?
2Ca+O2→2CaO2 is the reaction. I've already made it a balanced equation, I just need to determine if its a redox or not.
Thank you!


The reaction is included in a redox reaction

Further explanation:



2 Ca + O₂ → 2 CaO


a redox reaction


Redox reactions are reactions where there is a change in oxidation number

Oxidation is an increase/increase in oxidation number, while reduction is a decrease/decrease in oxidation number.

Reducing agents are substances that experience oxidation and oxidizing agent are substances that experience reduction

in the above reaction is included in a redox reaction because there is a change in oxidation number

Ca⇒Ca²⁺+ 2e⁻(for balanced equation : 2Ca⇒2Ca²⁺+4e⁻)

Oxidation ( 0 to +2)

O₂+2e⁻⇒O²⁻(for balanced equation : O₂+4e⁻⇒2O²⁻)

Reduction (0 to -2)

Which is the formula for iodine tribromide?



the answer is c IBr3


The chemical formula for iodine tribromide is IBr₃ as it has 1 iodine and 3 bromine atoms.

What is chemical formula?

Chemical formula is a way of representing the number of atoms present in a compound or molecule.It is written with the help of symbols of elements. It also makes use of brackets and subscripts.

Subscripts are used to denote number of atoms of each element and brackets indicate presence of group of atoms. Chemical formula does not contain words. Chemical formula in the simplest form is called empirical formula.

It is not the same as structural formula and does not have any information regarding structure.It does not provide any information regarding structure of molecule as obtained in structural formula.

There are four types of chemical formula:

1)empirical formula

2) structural formula

3)condensed formula

4)molecular formula

Learn more about chemical formula,here:



Please answer these. The tables needed for question 7 are in the picture. I got rid of some of the questions that you wouldn’t be able to answer without doing the lesson

Question 1: Electron Notation Example (2 points)

a. Give the electron configuration of vanadium (V), atomic number 23. (0.5 points)

b. Give the noble gas configuration of vanadium (V), atomic number 23. (0.5 points)

c. List the energy levels for the orbital configuration of vanadium (V), atomic number 23. (1 point)

Question 3: Trends on the Periodic Table (2 points)
a. How does the atomic radius change going down and across the periodic table? (0.5 points)

b. How does first ionization energy change going down and across the periodic table? (0.5 points)

c. How does electronegativity change going down and across the periodic table? (0.5 points)

d. How does the radius of a positive and negative ion compare to a neutral atom? (0.5 points)

Question 4: Chemical Bonds (1 point)
Match each chemical bond to its correct description. (1 point)
A. Ionic bond ___ Sharing of electrons
B. Covalent bond ___ Freely moving electrons
C. Metallic bond ___ Transfer of electrons
Question 5: Intermolecular Forces (3 points)

a. Describe the dipole-dipole force. (1 point)

b. Describe hydrogen bonding. (1 point)

c. Describe the Van der Waals forces. (1 point)

Question 6: Intermolecular Forces and You (2 points)
Imagine you need to take a medicine that the doctor has prescribed for you. Explain why scientists who developed that medicine would need to know whether or not the compound in that medicine is polar. How might a polar medicine behave differently within your body than a nonpolar medicine would? Answer in 1 to 2 paragraphs.

Question 7: Energy in Bonds (9 points)
Use these tables for reference for all parts of this question.

This table summarizes the average energies of single bonds between atom pairs in many different compounds.
a. According to Table 2, which is the strongest bond? Which is the weakest bond? Based on what you know about the atomic radii and electronegativity of the elements involved in the bonds, why do you think these two have the most extreme bond-energy values? (3 points)

b. How are the bond energies of each bond listed in Table 2 determined? (1 point)

c. Why do you think there aren't bond energy values given in Table 2 for N–S and S–I? (1 point)

d. Based on Tables 1 and 2, how would you describe the trend in bond strength of single, double, and triple bonds? (1 point)

e. Based on Table 2, how would you describe the trend in the strength of bonds formed by the elements carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen? Would you describe this trend as a periodic trend? Why or why not? (3 points)

Question 8: Causes of Molecular Shape (3 points)
a. What is the VSEPR theory? (1 point)

b. How does electron repulsion determine molecular shape? (1 point)

c. How do lone electron pairs affect molecular shape? (1 point)

Question 10: Lewis Structure (3 points)
a. Draw the Lewis structure for the Se and 2 H atoms. (1 point)

b. Draw the Lewis structure for the SeH2 molecule. (1 point)

c. What shape would SeH2 have? Draw the molecule. (1 point)

Question 11: Ionic and Covalent Compounds (5 points)
Identify each of the following as a covalent compound or ionic compound. Then provide either the formula for compounds identified by name or the name for those identified by formula. (1 point each)
a. Li2O:

b. Dinitrogen trioxide:

c. PCl3:

d. Manganese(III) oxide:

e. Calcium bromide:


Two or more than two atoms with different physical or chemical properties can not combine together to form an element. Therefore, the electronic configuration of vanadium is 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s² 3p⁶ 4s² 3d³.

What is element?

Element generally consist of atoms or we can atoms combine to form element. Atoms of an element is always same, means all the properties of all atoms of one type of element is same.

The systematic distribution of electrons in the various atomic orbitals is called its electronic configuration. The atomic number of vanadium is 23. The electronic configuration of vanadium is 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s² 3p⁶ 4s² 3d³. The noble gas electronic configuration of vanadium is [Ar]3d³4s². 1,2,3 represents the number of shells and s and represents the orbitals. The superscripts represents the number of electrons in each orbitals.

Therefore, the electronic configuration of vanadium is 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s² 3p⁶ 4s² 3d³.

To know more about element, here:



in which of the following is the symbol for the ion and the number of electrons it contains given correctly? *


Answer:Number of electrons that are present in an atom is determined by the electronic configuration of that atom.

If an ion is carrying a positive charge, it means that the atom has lost electrons and if an ion is carrying a negative charge, it means that the atom has gained electrons.

For the given options:

Option A: The atomic number of hydrogen atom is 1 and the electronic configuration for ion will be:

Thus, this atom does not have any electrons.

Option B: The atomic number of bromine atom is 35 and the electronic configuration for ion will be:

Thus, this atom has 36 electrons.

Option C: The atomic number of aluminium atom is 13 and the electronic configuration for ion will be:


5. The compound is called:
(1 Point)
Vanadium (1) phosphide
Vanadium (IV) phosphide
Vanadium phosphide
Vanadium (VI) phosphide
Vanadium (V) phosphide
6. The compound is called



Vanadium (VI) Phosphide


Vanadium has a 6+ charge for this compound, so there needs to be two phosphorus atoms to satisfy the charges. This is an ionic compound as well so the roman numerals need to be present.

In a laboratory demonstration, a balloon filled with methane and oxygen was exposed to a
flame. The result was a brief, large flame. The students were asked to formulate an equation for
the reaction. One answer is below.
CH, + 0 = CO,
This equation is incorrect.
A. Explain how and why it is incorrect
B. What would the correct equation be, and how do you know that?



The laboratory demonstration consists of the following;

The compounds present in the combustion reaction = Methane, CH₄ and Oxygen, O₂

The chemical equation for the combustion reaction is given as follows;

CH₄ + 2O₂ → CO₂ + 2H₂O


A. The equation given as CH₄ + O → CO₂ is not correct because;

1) Oxygen gas exist as diatomic molecules, O₂, and given that the experiment involves the mixture of gases, the oxygen gas present which can exist as a separate compound, should be represented as O₂

2) The number of oxygen molecules in the reaction is two rather than one

3) The product also includes two molecules of water (vapor) H₂O

B. The correct equation for the reaction should be given as follows;

CH₄ + 2O₂ → CO₂ + 2H₂O

B i) The constituents of the equation is obtained by the knowledge of the fact that the combustion reaction of an organic substance such as methane in the presence of oxygen yields, carbon dioxide and water (vapor)

The equation showing the relative amounts the reacting compounds is by balancing the basic equation of the combustion of methane in the presence of oxygen


What is atomic mass made of?



Together, the number of protons and the number of neutrons determine an element's mass number: mass number = protons + neutrons. If you want to calculate how many neutrons an atom has, you can simply subtract the number of protons, or atomic number, from the mass number.



7. According to Mohs Hardness scale, which of these groups of minerals can scratch fluorite? А. B. talc, calcite, and apatite calcite, quartz, and topaz apatite, orthoclase, and corundum diamond, gypsum, and quartz C.​





Electric circuit are a pathway for ____ to flow

A.) Neutrons

B.) Protons

C.) Matter

D.) Electrons





The source that gives the voltage (force) causes the electrons to move.


The answer is Electron


When an ionic bond forms what type of ions are joined?


It usually becomes a positive ion, or cation.

If a metal donates or loses an electron it becomes a..
A. Ionic
B. Covalent
C. Metallic






the answer to your question is c

0.45 g of hydrated sodium carbonate crystals were heated until 3.87 of anhydrous power remained.

How many moles of water are there in one mole of hydrated salt?


Formula of hydrated sodium carbonate : Na₂CO₃.10H₂O, so moles of water in one mole of hydrated salt = 10

Further explanation

Hydrate is a compound that binds water (H₂O), usually in the form of crystals/ solids

If these compounds are dissolved in water or heated, the hydrates can decompose:

Example: X.YH₂O (s) → X (aq) + YH₂O (l)

The formula for the hydrated compound contains: YH2O

The mole ratio shows the ratio of the coefficients of the hydrate compound

10.45 hydrated sodium carbonate(Na₂CO₃.xH₂O) were heated until 3.87 of 3.87of anhydrous (Na₂CO₃) remained, so

mass H₂O released :

[tex]\tt 10.45-3.87=6.58~g[/tex]

mass Na₂CO₃ = 3.87 g

mol ratio Na₂CO₃(MW= g/mol) : H₂O(MW=18 g/mol) =

[tex]\tt \dfrac{3.87}{105,9888}\div \dfrac{6.58}{18}=0.0365\div 0.3655=1\div 10[/tex]

How many liters will 90.0 grams of xenon gas (Xe) occupy at STP?






not sure if its totally correct but I tried

where information about each element is located



On the pereiodic table.


A Group Of Tourists Were On An Outing When They Noticed That Precipitation Began To Fall. The Air Temperature (2024)


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